Saturday Afternoons......are Fun!!

On a Saturday afternoon post lunch what would be expected of teachers who had given up a holiday after a hectic work week?? Well... watch the videos to get a glimpse of the magic of working collaboratively to create amazing presentations. The passion, dedication and enthusiasm of the "inspired" who hope to recreate todays experience with their learner...

Jisaw - the Big Picture

Colour Coded Groups working on Jigsaw puzzles.....can Professional development be enjoyable? A glimpse into the session on Brain Based drive home the fact that 'the brain processes parts and the whole' it also 'searches for meaning' and 'meaning is made through...

Day One with the New Batch

Our topic for the day was Learners and Learning.... We explored a whole range of principles that go into designing a learning program - the focus being on "How learning actually happens" The workshop was fun..... by the end of it we realized that we 'retain' more when...

Using QCT in CIDTT sessions to establish rules with 4 year olds!

Like many of us, I too have attended a session on Quality Circle Time (QCT). At the time I was quite enthused with the idea working with older children. However I was quite skeptical about its success with the pre primary children. With the passage of time QCT was a memorable experience which was never experimented with because I was scared of failing...

Amazing.....See it to believe it !!


More Pictures....of the Meeting with Mentors

Click here for more pictures&nb...

Coffee Morning with Mentors

The coffee morning was interactive and gave the participants a chance to discuss their program and session plans with their mentors. Click here for more pictu...

Congratulations on completion of your Face to Face Sessions

Time to think...... share ideas...........understand.......and create meaningAs teachers - Why we do? What we do?? and Finding ways to make our lessons more enjoyable for our learners :) All the discussion and Collaboration......All the Team work, planning and research........has...


Ms Sudarshana's evaluation class really gave me a wonderful feeling.It made me to refine, reproduce, redo, reinvent the same things when I try to do my lesson plans. But honestly I wasn't bored of doing the same thing. It is quite natural thing to do. The constant feed backs from both teacher and students will naturally help you to do so. Informally...

Colleague feedback for summative

Informal feedback for Summative Lesson - Sonali Students recieved you very enthusiastically. You have established a visible bond with them. Students were given a choice of writing songs, poems, and essays and also given topic ideas as differentiation. You had colourful and captivating charts ready on the relevant writetraits. Through their feedback...

Bulletin board

The students were made to choose their best work under any one write traits - namely word choice , sentence fluency , essay , ideas and all the work that they had done was compiled for the making of their own bulletin board . Students were motivated to give their best when...

EVALUATION-Technique for self improvisation

I always thought that 'Evaluation' was for the learners , in fact couldn't differentiate between the terms evaluation and assessment but Sudarshana through our last session helped us in understanding the true meaning of the term. Evaluation is actually assessing ownself as to how I'm teaching and whether I am able to successfully convey knowledge to...

An argument for which of the five geometry terms is most important!

I AM THE GREATEST!! Five people were travelling together and on their way they got into conversation. They introduce themselves as a Mr.Point,Miss Line,Mr.Line segment,Miss Ray and Mr. Angle.Each one tries to impress the others with their greatness. Mr.Point:I am the alpha and the omega,the beginning and the end.Iam in everything,nothing starts or...

"My most memorable day as a teacher!"

This is one line every teacher would love to comment on .... and I am not any different from the others. My most memorable day as a teacher was when I started to teach Prof. Rajeswari Chatterjee, who in her own capacity was a great teacher and had retired as chairperson...


I teach grade I and one of the major challenges for me has been to integrate children of varied learning styles in the classroom. We get prepared question papers for assessments, so there was not much I could do except give some visual or verbal cues to children who find it difficult to answer questions. Last week I had a buffer day to revise the concept...

2nd Observed session

My 2nd observed session went off quite well . My mentor felt that I am good at designing activities . Todays session was all about the generations of ideas , recording them in a spider web mind map and then using an essay graphic organiser to develop ideas into structure...

Creating essay folders for easy class management

I created essay folders for all students for easy use and management of activities. To have folders containing everything they require to help them in the process of essay writing activity was a huge time saver . The folder contained 2 mind maps - spider web diagram , an essay easy-to-follow simple checklist , 2 graphic organisers to organise ideas...

Write traits Ideas

The ideas plan was a more complex one and required understanding from students. The plan could have been more focused as it had more than one objective - namely: generating ideas, as well as learning and using the essay format.Although I offered many choices of graphic organisers, students were not able to categorise the tool they were using, when...

Reasonable Success!

During the past two weeks I was involved in an interesting experiment! I divided my class of 24 Chemistry students into five groups and assigned them each a topic from the chapter 'Water' for presentation and a short work sheet at the end of the presentation.I took care to form a heterogenous group of differing intelligence to ensure a good synergy....

Day 3 write traits : Word Choice

A collegues feedback on my session Today I thought your lesson (Word Choice) went very well! I observed the following good teaching practices:Good control - You laid expectations of respect for group work. You asked the students who left the discussion area to come back, as you had not dismissed them yet - good reinforcement of rules. Next discussion...

Session on 'Differentiation'

Since the day I joined CIDTT ,the term 'Differentiation' had been associated with all our discussions but this term was not explained to us saying that it would be (rather needed to be) dealt with exclusively.So our whole group was quite eagerly awaiting for the session on 'Differentiation' and after attending the session realised how crucial it is...

Day 2 Reflecting

Self-reflection - This is what I learnt today .To give instructions only when the whole class is quiet. Best to get them on the floor for their undivided attention. If I talk over the students, they will ignore me . Also, some groups were waiting today as I went to each group to give them the words. In another classroom with easily distracted students,...

Teaching Practice begins

A colleagues feedback about my Day 1 practice . I am teaching English - grade 4 . Day 1Plan: Students found the plan interesting and engaging. The plan was appropriate for the age group.Resources: The worksheets were ready and you were well prepared for the plan. Do practice using the Whiteboard tomorrow so that you are self reliant by your observed...


We find lot of people with different level of intelligence/ we can say differently enabled thinking people around us. When it comes to teaching, teacher is always considered as parent after the real parent, so she has to do justice to all the wards of his/her class. How is it possible? How do we do this? and bring justice to the students who is expecting...

About myself and reflection on Group Work

I was always passionate about teaching and I feel proud to say that I am a teacher. My name is Shuchi. I teach Mathematics to 5th and 6th standard. I did B.Ed. not only to add a teaching degree but also to gain perfection in teaching. Now I joined C.I.D.T.T. course not only to add an international degree to my CV but also to make my students enjoy...

Geared up with learning tools.

After attending the session on learning tools, I as a teacher, am spending more time on planning. I understood that my basic job is only to guide the flow so that the day's objectives are achieved. My lesson are "well pre-planned" by my school and according to that I had to cover my topic through a ppt presentation (18 slides). I decided to implement...

Strategies for active learning

We have already been acquainted with the fact that 'active learning' is need of the hour,but how to make it happen successfully,was a question which had been tinkling my mind for quite a while. Well,the session on 'Tools for teaching' by Asha assisted in satisfying my quest and had a lot to contribute to my bank of knowledge. KWL sheet was an absolutely...

Enhancing the learning spectrum of the teacher

Last week, was truly a learning experience. The use of newspaper as a tool to teach maths was an eyeopener.I learnt to see newspaper and blackboard organisation as effective means to connect with my learners. This has lead me to create a 'Q'- space for my class 6 students where I write all the questions they ask me in class. The questions are not always...

Workshop on learning spectrum

It's true that learning environment has a profound impact on student learning.When discussion on learning environment initiated,the first thought that struck me was that of a bright classroom with a colourful and attractive bulletin board.But honestly speaking,for me the mere mention of bulletin board gives me goosebumps!!From searching a suitable...

Enriched Ways to Teach and Learn

The session on learning spectrum focused on effective ways of using teaching tools like blackboard, newspaper,outside the classroom etc. It was defenetly an ENRICHMENT learning. Every teacher knows to use a blackboard but how many of us actually make a blueprint of it? The bulletin board is a great idea to keep the concepts in a students mind running...

Group Work is Awesome

The moment I see a group work to do in my lesson plan I was never happy as I thought it always created chaos and children never finish on time. Also I wondered if children really learnt something at the end of the day. BUT, after having experienced it my self during the CIDTT session I realised that it enhances the whole process of learning in...


I am Computer Science teacher for Grade 1-3. I used to take feedback from my learners just by asking them orally "Hope you all understood". By hearing the spontaneous feedback "Yes" from some of my learners, I would move on...... During the session “Evaluation”, the question arrived in my mind. Am I leaving some learners unnoticed who are not so...

Group Work

Whenever I think of my school days all I can remember is trying to listen and to understand.And there is so much silence.The few things that I can remember and cherish are the moments where I could participate or contribute. Group work is a new concept for me.Group work gives the students a lot of space to learn.It helps the teacher to understand that...

Quality of learning in group

After last week's workshop on 'Learning in groups', the group activity I chose for my class 6 learners was to enact an English Mythological story on Arjuna as a drama. The groups were divided based on the number-head system of grouping. The class was so excited that they followed most of the 'ground rules' that were laid out in the preparatory classes...

Teaching tools...

I realised that Black board or should I say white/green board, is such a powerful tool. When managed properly it allowsyou to guide through your teaching and also gives you the much deserved flow. I also noticed that when you prepare a blue print of the board and when the same thing gets unfolded before students, they just love it. Because we plan...

Learning in groups-interesting and productive

The session on 'learning in groups' by Asha was an eye opener for me.The session commenced with an activity in which we were asked to work individualistically and then in groups followed by a joint discussion.The comparison of feelings while working in two different situatons brought to light the advantages of learning in a group as compared to...

Transformation of my thinking process after the session on Group

We had a session on Group We were asked to try out the group method of learning. I being a intrapersonal , I was little adamant in group work technique. But after going through the session and the outcome gave me a positive thrust to try out. I teach compute science to the secondary grade. Today I had two 7 grade classes having 18 students in each...

Rediscovering ............

Yesterday's workshop on 'Learning in groups' had me thinking at the beginning of the session " how do I organise group work within the time period, when we as adults took much longer to do the same activities meant for the learners?" My notion was very quickly modified,...

Value Addition

During the last session at CIDTT, We just happened to discuss the role of Value addition in the agriculture sector as I work at the agriculture university . What is value Addition In general, adding value is the process of changing or transforming a product from its original...

Change in perspective

This is one of my favorite Subhashita , which literally means 'good speech', essence is given below: " The knowledge that is in a book, the money that is with another person; of what use are the two if they are not helpful in time of need; if so, one can no longer call it knowledge or money ! " This was the first thing that came to my mind after...

A Session by Design

Fatima Chinoy's module on " Designing an Effective Programme/ session Plan" delivered on 10th July,2010,was indeed an 'effective' one. For one, the session unfolded in a very informal manner and before we knew it, we were designing a Programme Plan to teach 'Indus Valley Civilization' to Class 8 students. The module was designed to be a hands- on...

My process of learning innovative futuristic ideas to teach the young dynamic minds

My passion to teach others started when my father bought me a black board.Then it continued in my high school and college in helping my fellow classmates in a few lessons.Then later I joined a futuristic company called Tutorvista which catered to the needs of students online all over the world.This was a great opportunity for a homemaker like me. A...


Designing aims and objectives for a lesson was always like a herculean task for me!I did'nt have a clear understanding of these terms and always had apprehensions about writing a lesson plan because defining aims and objectives is the first and most important step for successful teaching and learning to take place in class. But today after attending...

Taking Stock

Eighteen years of teaching! Time to stand aside and take stock of my teaching. I had always been an instinctive teacher. I plan my academic year and break it down to fort nightly topics and work each class as it came. I have always worked very very hard to reach out to all my students. Keeping a wary eye for that glazed look that creeps into the eyes...

Expect the unexpected

While chalking out my programa nd session plans I thought fo what could be the elements that could throw me off balance while teaching and so I got my answer . Therefore I am preparing more than what I will need in case an activity goes more quickly than anticipated giving students too much free time - which is a danger. Another aspect is that during...

Planning with clarity

I have spent time reviewing my plans again and again . I have solved many issues . My plan now has activites that are married up neatly to the aims and objectives . Every session has specific objectives and the assessment tools like rubrics , graphic organisers , self-checklists etc are part of the formative assessment . What I have done is that for...
I am a new comer and I am very excited I can share my views with like minds. After attending my first session, I was little apprehensive about sharing my views but after a little push from CIDTT team Bangalore, Ms Asha I thought I should post my realizations.While doing the topic multiple intelligences, I realized that I have intrapersonal intelligence,...

Planning the program

I have changed many parts of the rough program and session plan as I found that the activities didn't always end up achieving the objectives that I had in mind . Plus the end-of-the-course skills were not really clear and concise . This brought about a whole new approach and I decided to start planning backwards . So now I am thinking of the whole...

My roles & responsibilities

As a future primary teacher I am thinking along the following lines about my roles and responsibilties .1. Planning, lessons that cater for the needs of the whole ability range within the class2. Organizing the classroom and learning resources to create a positive learning environment.3. Working with other colleagues to plan and coordinate...

Thinking about my future learners

Having already visited the school and observing the future 4th grade students has encouraged me to do all the spade work . I am not copying the current schools ways of identifying learner needs . I am thinking on how I can do that on my own . I am making a list of my own resources . I think whatever work I do will be honest and will be tallied with...

Age no bar

I have an assignment of  show casing my school's football team , and the accolades they have won. This is in lieu of the Football world cup coming up. I was browsing for a couple of things to go along with my video and stumbled upon this great piece. This is part of the BBC school ...

The Impact of CIDTT

I am so proud to say that there has a been a huge impact of the ways and methods that I have learnt to conduct or even for that matter plan a class because of  CIDTT. Since  my school re-opend for the 2010-2011 academic session the past week , I have been working on  Art and Craft module for classes 1 & 2. Although these...

My growth as a teacher

My new batch of Phonics and Language coaching will start from Monday and I am all set for it. I have been teaching preschoolers for the last seven years, where I have used the blend of Montessori Method and Nursery training. It was mostly material and observation based, taking into consideration individual need of each child. Thanks to CIDTT, my entire...

Identifying my learners needs

There are some key questions that have been given in the CIDTT guide . I have phrased a few of my own .For e.g - What kind of activities do they like or don’t like ?What kind of “intelligences ”are popular ?What are the cultural distribution levels ?What kind of technology...

4th Grade English - Revised Plan

As you can see earlier I was thinking about the content . I thought it would be great to test this pattern and so I visited the school where I will be doing my teaching practice . The IB school gave me a theme namely Rights and responsibilities and I have to develop the aims and objectives . I was also informed that Grammar is not done in the traditional...

Group work in Math classroom

Initially the chairs and desk in my classroom was arranged as rows and columns. I thought this would be ideal for my students to learn better. But after my classes with TTF I realised that if students were seated in groups they learn better. So I rearranged the chairs and...