Group Work is Awesome

The moment I see a group work to do in my lesson plan I was never happy as I thought it always created chaos and children never finish on time. Also I wondered if children really learnt something at the end of the day. BUT, after having experienced it my self during the CIDTT session I realised that it enhances the whole process of learning in a more Active and Effective way.

It was  session on Recapitulation of the chapters in the literature book done so far and related topics like phrases, similar sounding words etc.
I was only supposed to do the Think, Pair and Share, but I extended it but utilising the Snowballing and Envoying methods. The children followed the instructions. Collected as many information as they could. After the group work finished I asked them to see how this process helped them. They realised that as they shared first among their pairs they gathered more information than they had. As it progressed to snowballing and envoying they had gathered all the information. Then each group was given a chance to give one point each which was written on the board in the form of points. This way there was further reinforcement of the recap of the points. It gave me immense pleasure to see how children had learnt quickly through group work.

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