The Rubric grading method

I tried the Rubric style of grading . For me personally I found that my students work can be rated as excellent , good or needs improvement . It made it easier for me to assess the students and also to explain to them where they are going wrong and where they are following suitably . I plan to share the rubric kind of paper with the students before an assignment so that they know what is expected of them beforehand and so they can perform the task much better . The students also are aware of what they will be graded upon and show more responsibility . They also know that I am being honest and clear and fair . As a trainer this method is helpful because I don't have to doubt my evaluation . I can conclude fairly after seeing the detailed results . Preparing a detailed rubric is a good way to introduce order and accountability in grading. If a student asks me for a re-grade or someone asks me to justify my scoring, I can communicate evidence to support my approach .

2 Comment/s:

Asha Arul said...

great sonali for testing your rubric, i am glad to read about your learning. i am interested in knowing what did your learners feel about the rubric ? how did it improve the learning/assessing process ?

Sonali Malhotra said...

My learners were happy about the fair grading method and the guidance when I gave them a rubric or checklist as they were aware of all the steps that they would be graded upon . They were however a bit uncomfortable that now onwards everytime I would assess them they would have to show clarity through out the process . The adults have to make it a habit to think about the workings of a task from the beginning right till completion and not just concentrate on meeting their objective through any wishy washy or haphazard manner . They understand that they can guage the estimated quality of a finished task by applying the rubric and they can alter or change their methods in the midst of a practical . This they found helpful.

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