4th Grade English - Revised Plan

As you can see earlier I was thinking about the content . I thought it would be great to test this pattern and so I visited the school where I will be doing my teaching practice . The IB school gave me a theme namely Rights and responsibilities and I have to develop the aims and objectives . I was also informed that Grammar is not done in the traditional...

Group work in Math classroom

Initially the chairs and desk in my classroom was arranged as rows and columns. I thought this would be ideal for my students to learn better. But after my classes with TTF I realised that if students were seated in groups they learn better. So I rearranged the chairs and...

Water fun

I completed my third and fourth sessions for practice teaching today. The children enjoyed the activities especially that they had so much to do with water and sand. When working with water, we added food color in the water and that got my learners all charged up for the activity. The most important thing was that they were able to explain to me the...

4th grade - English

I have been given a unit but need to think about developing the content . For 4th grade English the various ways in which I could develop language skills is through writing . They can write to show their knowledge , word - meanings , sentence construction , antonyms and homonyms , question and answer worksheets , they can take notes , write poems ,...

My first session during teaching practice

My first two sessions went off very well yesterday. I was a little nervous before starting, but at the same time, I was very confident of my learners. The nervous feeling disappeared the moment class started. I felt things moved from one to the next with ease. My learners enjoyed the second session better where they had to measure water / coloured...

Bulliten Board

My Grade 2 learners are joining the school on 2nd of june.I have to decorate my outside Bulliten board in order to welcome them. Can anyone suggest what theme i can choose for the board which can make them happy and excited to enter the cla...

Blooms Taxonomy

HOW TO USE BLOOMS TAXONOMY? I am writing about what I have understood so far however I would appreciate someone to verify this understanding. We are now at a stage where we are learning about assessment It is therefore vital that I know that I am comprehending this part properly. I understood that Blooms taxonomy is a list of intellectual levels that...

Becoming a teacher again

With a teaching background I felt that the next great step for a teacher would be to try something outside of the traditionally run educational settings. I started corporate training and personality development in 2004 . The skills to become a trainer overlapped with those of being a teacher as I knew it. I was used to presenting, being in front of...

The Rubric grading method

I tried the Rubric style of grading . For me personally I found that my students work can be rated as excellent , good or needs improvement . It made it easier for me to assess the students and also to explain to them where they are going wrong and where they are following suitably . I plan to share the rubric kind of paper with the students before...


Rubric for beauty & make –up practicalsCriterion : 1. ENVIRONMENT GOOD - The student addressed the worst lit areas in the room and found spaces where sunlight or natural lighting prevailed . The student made sure that the room was cool and airy . UNSATISFACTORY The student did not start the process with the right conditions for make up application...

Motivating my adult learners

I tried something new today. I have completed sessions in various different types of etiquette individually with 4 adults and in a group of six adults. The objective of this merging of all these clients was so that they could find common associations, make new friends, voice their opinions freely and find similar reasons for doing the course. When...

Pairing gone wrong

I gave the class a topic and they had to choose to do the exercise either independently or in pairs . At this point 2 out of the six felt that they could work alone while the others complained that they wanted to work in pairs . I had an idea to combine a strong person with a weaker one . So i divided the group into two . Each group had 3 adults where...

Another MI indicator

When I gave my adult learners a choice of the various activities based on three different intelligences they chose their strong topic and agreed to work independently with a lot of confidence . These intelligences have been explored through the preliminary interviewing stage .In the second part I gave them no choice of content . I just told them that...

Getting to know the learner

Yesterday two new adults joined the existing group of four making it a total six and I wanted all of them to be on an even platform so instead of asking them to fill out a KWL sheet prior to the lesson , I had an open discussion to see what they already knew and what they wanted to learn . This way the expectations were clear . The discussion also...

Same Difference

3/5/2010While on the topic of differentiation, I’d like to share my experiences at this summer camp I conducted for kids aged two and half to 6years. As you can imagine in such a varied group the level of differentiation to be catered for is quite vast….not only between the various age-groups but also amongst learners of the same age-group. All the...

The world is my playground

(journal entry dtd 3/5/2010) I haven’t started working at the new school as yet, so I can’t really comment on my target-group as yet. However ever since I started the CIDTT Course, I can’t help but notice how everyone around me learns. I seem to be tuned into how learning happens and can be enhanced, all around me, all the time now…….in the pool,...

It’s Different

(journal entry dtd 24/4/2010) Providing for differentiationin the classroom is what we learnt today. I can think of two instances where differentiation worked. One was with my tuition group (grade 8, third language French students). There was this one boy who just couldn’t remember the gender of nouns, so finally I found a pac-man kind of car-chase...

Fun is the name of the game

(journal entry dtd 9/4/2010)Saw this interesting video about how behaviour can be changed for the better if something is FUN to do. Reminded me of how I have used a lot of video-games online to drill verb conjugations and sentence structure into my grade 8 and 9 french tuition students. Would love to try it out at the school, resources permitting...

I’ve got Designs

Today’s workshop was about how to actually do the design plan and as usual I think all of us learnt a lot more and had a lot of our doubts cleared when we got down to ‘hands-on’ practice The workshop was effective, in the sense that it cleared a lot of the cobwebs and a lot of the theory now seems to make sense. Can’t wait to try it out once the session...

Young learners vs Adult Learners

Given all the differences between how children and adults learn, children can also be as present-oriented as adults (we’re not talking gifts here…..though the carrot always works, I would imagine and make a more concentrated effort (willingly) if the goal is clear. I realised this when I watched how my six year-old made me buy her different flavours...

There’s a new learner in town

The session was about ‘how adults learn’. This workshop set me thinking about myself as a ‘learner’. All this while, I have been looking at all learning from my students’ perspective. Today, I began to see myself as a ‘learne...

Seating arrangement

I had initially made the group sit facing the blackboard in even rows. I decided to change the seating arrangement as per the activity. I tried having the students sit in pairs seating arrangement (when the two student desks are together and spaced away from other pairs ) I could walk about and monitor all the students plus I also found that pairs...

A fantastic movie I found on YouTube

Hey I found this amazing movie and wanted to share it with all of you. I am sure you will agree that there is a lot more learning happening here than in our daily so called sought after schools.Enjoy this good movie...


Hey Everyone, I tried out jeopardy in my social studies grade one class and it was amazing to see the interaction and the excitement. The quiz was all about whatever they have done the past terms to current. They enjoyed it thoroughly. However, there is one question that arose. I maintained the score throughout the game. Some of the children are still...