MI in classroom

I teach grades eighth, ninth, tenth, IB1 and IB2. Among all these classes I teach my ninth graders were quite moody in class and didn’t enjoy my Math lessons very much like the other classes. After attending my TTF classes I started thinking how to make my students get more interested in the subject. I was doing the topic on volume and surface area of prism in this class. First when I started talking about prism many of them as usual didn’t show much interest and didn’t participate in classroom discussions. Then I continued my lesson with PowerPoint presentations on different types of prisms. Slowly I was able to see the change in behaviour of few students in class who never responded to the class. They were very active for the rest of the period and did quite a couple of problems on their own. It was quite surprising for me when one student who never liked Math came to me after the lesson got over and said I think “I have started liking Math and today’s lesson was very interesting”. I have assigned homework problem on the same topic and most of them completed their work when they were back to school the next day. I realised that many of them in this grade nine classroom are visual learners. When I spoke about 3- shapes they couldn’t show much interest but they learnt better when they had a visual presentation of the same.

1 Comment/s:

Unknown said...

Some material for teaching 10th graders English grammar???

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